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Orthodontics is not ‘Just for Teens’ Anymore!

Straightening your teeth has come a long way from your parents’ braces. Many adults now see the benefits of having a straighter, healthier smile, and no matter your age, it’s never too late to start treatment. With so many options and flexible payment plans, orthodontics has also become much more affordable. The best part is that our comprehensive consultations at West Chester Orthodontics are complimentary, so you can explore your options freely. 

Over the last five years, we have seen a steady rise in adults getting orthodontic treatments and it’s still trending.  Why?  When you feel good about how you look and you don’t feel like your teeth are a distraction in conversation, your confidence rises and your self-esteem improves. We first noticed this as a result of the “Zoom effect,” when many people spent hours looking at their co-workers and themselves online. They especially noticed each other’s teeth. This led many adults to our team at West Chester Orthodontics. Our practice is now made up of 38% adults, whereas previously it was 18% adults. One-third of our practice is made up of adult patients, which we think is phenomenal. Orthodontics is definitely not just for teens anymore.

Straightening our teeth gives you many benefits besides the awesome boost in self-esteem. One of the major improvements it can treat is your bite function.  Do you have a tooth or two that you find yourself hitting harder than others? Do you have teeth that don’t touch or come together like an open bite? Do you feel jaw pain from clashing into a tooth when you eat?  Orthodontics can help with all the above and we are here to help. 

Are you prone to tooth decay? Has your dentist said you’re more at risk for getting cavities? Straighter teeth allow for easier cleaning which in turn results in less decay at your dental checkups. 

So come to West Chester Orthodontics and explore your options. We offer Invisalign, clear custom braces, or traditional metal braces. Come see our technology and what makes our practice stand out. We provide digital scans of teeth (instead of those goopy impressions of the old days), remote monitoring to reduce visits to our office (to better accommodate your busy schedule), and our online scheduling is very easy! 

Schedule your appointment at and hit the “Book Free Exam” button. Make sure to mention the West Chester Lifestyle E-Newsletter at your consultation and receive $750 off your treatment! 

We can’t wait to see your smile! 



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