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Back to School with Braces

Where did the summer go? It’s hard to believe it flew by so quick and its time to get back into the school routine. Just got braces this summer? It can sometimes be challenging to pack or buy a braces friendly lunch to keep your tin grin intact. Foods that are generally hard or sticky need to be avoided to keep your kids in school and prevent having extra appointments at the orthodontist to repair broken braces. Although most kids like to miss school, parents we know your time is valuable and there is enough on your plate. Read on to find some tips and tricks to navigate having lunch and snacks at school the braces friendly way.

  1. Check out your school lunch menu weekly: See if there are any options that your child can eat that week.Soft foods such as mac’n’cheese, soft vegetables, spaghetti and chicken nuggets are braces safe.Pack a lunch if the menu does not include softer foods for that day. Cutting up your food into bite sized pieces such as pizza crust, apples and sandwiches also helps keep your braces from breaking because you are not tearing into these foods with your teeth.

  2. Pack your child snacks:This helps resist temptation to eat the “forbidden” foods that are known to cause breakage of braces.Avoid all sticky, hard and chewy foods.Your child may be tempted to buy these items from school vending machines or happily trade to get these types of foods from their friends.Sending them to school with yogurt, applesauce or cheese are all good choices for your child to have on hand.

  3. Take a water bottle to school: We all know the many benefits of drinking water for our health and keeping hydrated.Avoiding sugary drinks will help prevent cavities or white marks forming around our braces. Drinking water is also super helpful when there is not enough time to brush your teeth between classes.A quick drink or swish of water will help wash out food particles that otherwise stick to your teeth and cause decay.

I hope the above tips help your child have a successful return to school with braces. It’s not unusual to feel a little nervous to go back to school with braces. At West Chester Orthodontics, we wish all the teachers and students a wonderful and successful school year. Please reach out to us if you have any questions!

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